Member Benefits
Integrated, Independent & Strategic Partnerships
Direct relationships with over 200 Fertilizer, Agri-Chemical, Biological, Organic, Surfactant and Specialty Suppliers (Ag and Non-Ag Inputs)
Grower Financing with two of the largest Agri-financial institutions in North America
Data Management Tools, via ApRecs, backed by Centricity Global to compete in the fast-paced digital era while still maintaining data privacy
Broad vehicle purchasing and leasing programs with a major Leasing Company
Developing Insurance and other employee benefits packages across the group
Federal and State Regulatory Agents to ensure compliance across our footprint

Tools for Market Competition
Access to unique and innovative products and solutions.
Volume buying power for fertilizer, Agri-chemicals and other agricultural inputs.
Freedom to operate while benefiting from a team atmosphere.
The ability to utilize fellow member capabilities and experiences.
Membership Capabilities
We are very passionate about strengthening the Independent Agricultural Retailer, so they can provide innovations, services and insights to their growers and other customers. Our members have core competencies in the following general areas:
Sell and service a large percentage of their business to the Farm Gate
Employ and Invest in Licensed Agronomists and Professional Crop Advisors
Have facilities capital and the ability to warehouse and deliver products & services
Dedicated to the advancement of technological transfer to growers & markets
New Member Criteria
Members support and service direct to the Farm Gate (retailers and/ or growers)
Members employ and invest in Professional Crop Advisors and Agronomists
Members Possess facilities capital capable of warehousing, delivery, and service
Members engage in Differential Technology Transfer